This was a big year for my little book, and I couldn’t be more in awe of what God did in the lives of those who went through Unravel.
As most people do at the end of every year, I’ve been reflecting on everything that God has done in and around me and counting my blessings, giving painful thanks for the hard stuff that helped me grow, and looking for God’s fingerprints on all 365 days of 2022.
Forty-five women completed Unravel via a group this year! Hundreds bought the book and started their own Unravel journey. Friends, co-workers, and family members found out about Unravel from someone who experienced a profound life change from their unraveling.

Lives were forever changed this year.
Hearts were healed the year.
Friendships were formed this year.
Burdens were left at the foot of the cross this year.
Generational trauma was broken this year.
Confidence was gained this year.
Boundaries were set this year.
Lies were trampled this year.
Truth was implanted this year.
Relationships were restored this year.
Love, joy, and peace were found this year.
Faulty ways of coping were replaced this year.
New life-tools were learned this year.
Laughter displaced tears this year.
Suffering transformed into painful thanks this year.
Purpose was pursued this year.
Forgiveness was given and received this year.
God moved in the lives of His Chosen this year.
One woman wrote this:
I stumbled upon this book during a low time in my life about 5 months ago. During my time participating in the study and completing assigned homework I have noticed a huge shift in myself. 5 months ago, I was broken, insecure, and lost in my life and had no clue where my relationship with Christ stood. Presently, I am self-aware and have a positive outlook on my present and future. I owe my growth to this book and Melissa for taking the time to pour into me weekly during study group. I will forever be thankful and spread the word to purchase this book and participate in study group! ❤️
Unravel Participant
As I look back over 2022, I am so grateful for the women I’ve gotten to work with this year and for the beautiful friendships that God has blessed me with through those groups. Besides Texas, ladies from California, Florida, New York, and New Jersey participated in the first online Unravel group – who doesn’t like meeting people from other parts of the U.S.?
This year has also brought additional blessings…
- Support and encouragement from Life Point Church and Alamo Community Church in San Antonio, Texas to launch Unravel groups.
- Videography services to market Unravel from the talented, kind, and generous Mark Benavidez of Launchpad B Video Production Solutions.
- Space for my Tuesday Unravel group was graciously given to me by George Ramirez from Immersion Outfitters.
- Over 4,000 followers on Facebook and IG – and growing!
As I look ahead to 2023…
- I look forward to the launch of in-person and online Unravel groups in January.
- The reach of Unravel will be expanding into new places and corners of this world in the coming year. I look forward to sharing all about that in the coming months! God is moving!!
- For those in the San Antonio, Texas area, there will be bi-monthly Saturday Unravel sessions at Alamo Community Church to learn, grow, and connect with fellow Unravel Alumni.
If you are ready to Unravel your unhealed wounds and find joy, in-person and online Unravel groups start the week of January 16th. Invite a friend, a co-worker, or a family member to join a group! Click the link to sign up –> Unravel Group Sign Up
The groups are free. All I ask is that you do the work and come to group regularly.
If you or someone you know wants to begin working one-on-one with me, I have openings for in-person and online 1:1 coaching.
It may not be your fault that you are stuck in life, but it is 100% your responsibility to get un-stuck.
Don’t let another day, week, or year go by surviving or simply existing. You were made for so much more and yes, you can change.
You can change your mindset, your life, and your circumstances for the better. The 45 women who went through Unravel in 2022 can testify that you can heal, thrive, and find your joy again.
Lastly, as I dream for 2023…
I pray for men’s and women’s Unravel groups to pop up in churches, prisons, living rooms, and coffee shops all over the world and that lives would be profoundly changed for generations to come. Dream big, right?
Here’s the thing about Unravel groups…
- You don’t need to be a coach or a counselor to lead an Unravel group…
- Your life doesn’t need to be perfect…
- You don’t have to have it all together all the time or have the answers to life’s problems…
- You just need to be able to love, encourage, and listen to others… that’s it…
If you want to start a group or you’d like for your church or organization to start an Unravel group, contact me at or go to Start an Unravel Program.
Giving Thanks…

As I close, I want to say “thank you” to Kevin Flowers, Lead Pastor of Alamo Community Church and his incredible staff. Thank you for taking a chance on an unknown book and allowing me to serve the people of your church. If I’ve learned anything this year, it’s that no one has to do anything – so your willingness to open your door, respond to my messages, provide resources, and trust me with your flock is a gift. Your friendship and support are a blessing, and I am forever grateful.
I will end this message with a quote I love from Craig Groeschel: We confess to God for forgiveness, we confess to people for healing. So true, right? Confessing to God and others is at the heart of healing. We need both. James 5:16 says Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
Join an Unravel group or buy Unravel and commit to working through the book with a couple of trusted friends to confess what’s on your heart and talk about what’s holding you back and stealing your joy.

I pray that 2023 is a year of personal growth, freedom from what weighs you down, and a deeper relationship with the Father who loves you so very much.